HOLA Spanish classes


We offer a variety of programs for all ages in-person and online

After School Spanish Classes for Children

We teach Spanish to kids from 4-12 years old in small groups by age. Classes take place after school regular schedule. Our teachers are certified to teach Spanish as a second language. By applying our open learning concept of interactive activities, we encourage children to use their 5 senses to think and speak in Spanish while they are having fun. We create our own audios and  educational materials, so our students can continue practicing.

Classes are held during the weekdays from 3pm

Time and duration might change, please contact us for availabilities

20 Lessons  of 1 hour  $560 + HST

Siblings 10% discount $438 + HST

Spanish Classes For Teens

The  program for teenagers 13- 17 years old is playful and entertaining. Our Open Learning method encourages teens to participate in class as well as to be independent learners at home. There are interactive activities during the lessons to keep them motivated to practice speaking Spanish. Teens can also listen to our audios in their own time to continue the learning process.

Classes in-person on Thursdays at 4pm 

Online classes are available by request

10 Lessons $350 + HST

Siblings 10% discount $315+ HST

Spanish Classes for Adults

We offer online and/or in-person classes for adults in small groups. Parents are welcome to learn while their children are taking classes and working on their activities.  We put in place our open learning techniques to help you learn at your own pace and at your schedule. 

Online Classes: Tuesday at 9am and 10:30am. 

In-person: Thursday at 5:30pm

By levels of 90 minute class

Basic Level 

Mid Level

Advance Level

1 student 10 classes $400 + HST

2 Students 10 classes $650 + HST (Private)

Private Classes

We deliver tutoring online or in-person to any level of Spanish knowledge and to any age group. We adapt our unique curriculum to your needs and special requests. Classes are very interactive and entertaining as we ask for 100% participation during the activities created for every lesson. We teach how to think in Spanish and to speak like Latinos do. 

Private Lessons are available by request only (flexible schedule)

Family packages available. Please contact us for more details.

10 Classes – 2 Adults + Kids $700 + HST 

Packages of:

10 classes $480 +  HST

20 classes $850 + HST

30 classes $1,250 + HST

Corporate Program

The Corporate Program, is  for companies looking to expand their participation within the Latin American countries and are looking for a basic understanding of the Spanish and Hispanic Cultures.

We will re-enforce Spanish language concepts by running engaging  activities in class. Also, we will use open learning techniques  to teach lessons that are focused on your business needs.

Classes are for maximum of 6-8 people, and can take place during lunch hour.

The classes are 1 hour long and  the tuition might vary depending on the length and the duration of the program. For 10 classes the price is $1,000 + HST. For more details, please contact us.


Special Spanish Lessons (online only)

Looking to entertain your guests at your special event while learning some Spanish?

Apart from having delicious food and great people, your party or event should be unforgettable because you deliver beautiful memories with the activities we will run by playing games, singing, acting and more,

We are offering in-person and virtual Spanish Informal Lessons for your special social meeting where everyone will learn the basics of Spanish and have fun at the same time.

The activities will last an average of 2 hours, however, we can go by the hour depending on the number of participants (5- 10 indoor) (10 + outdoor) Contact us for an estimate.

1 hour $120

2 hours $200

3 hours $320

4 hours $410